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tv   KRON 4 News at 8  KRON  August 14, 2012 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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homes. spring valley evacuations. continue. most were issued on monday have been lifted and some residents have been allowed to go home. >>reporter: these wildfires almost made it look like an explosion. this woman was the resident named patsy. >> she heard sirens but they were going beyond her house. >>reporter: she is speaking of her mother or, patsy inside this house. this entire structure was destroyed >>reporter: she realized that the roof was on fire and it took off. >> she got in her car and drove to a field that was on fire. there were not able to get to work. one described this as certain debt. she was on her
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cellphone with her grandson. they're my 13 year old son was on the phone with her to. he just said that please get out and please be safe. i think that he kept thatcalm and she kept saying that i was going to be okay. and she said i love you. and they hung up. >>reporter: she made it and when everything was lost the gold fish are okay. and the american flag is still wawaving. she said that she was not going to die this way. it just like my mom, she was flying down highway 20 jumped out and increased. they embraced. fork i do not know how long. >>reporter: melanie says that her mother, patsy got a very
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first hand fought out what happened to but still broken up of what happened. >>pam: team coverage of the wild fire continues it is not just in northern california. much of the western state is being impacted. >>charles: hot, dry conditions and very little relief in sight. let me show you some of the largest areas. using google earth. the largest are indicated by the red with san diego county over 2,000 a.. northern california, near clear lake is still going strong but evacuations. have been lifted. however, other have charged 60,000 a. in national forests.
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and also in the state of oregon, 40,000 a.. and in washington state a fast-moving fire. destroying 60 homes and hundreds of evacuations.. to the east, 12 fires in idaho. and a firefighter was killed on sunday by a falling tree. southwestern utah also fighting fires. charles clifford, kron4. >>pam: it has been one week and one day in since the mass of fire in richmond. tonight we are getting a first look at that plant. it erupted last week. toxic smoke forced many people to go to the hospital. this was video released. now officials are getting a look with new
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developments on least investigation. terisa estacio. >>terisa: on this-latest investigation. >>reporter: this is the latest photographs. take a look at the enormous hole.. in a news conference the u.s. chemical safety board explain how they are able to get these pictures despite that they cannot get to the actual area where the fire broke out. >> at this point it remains a hazardous 0.4 human entry. no one from the investigative group are able to get close as only 10 ft.. as they enter the vicinity of the pipe using respirators. >>reporter: steel greenhouse framing-is also causing huge problems. >> the compromised structure
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this is as close as we can get. will be working with the chevron to remove that safely and quickly as possible. >>reporter: and they are eager to continue to get more closely what happened out here. >> the failure is one of the pipes and the 12-inch line and during the november 2011 was corroded and it was in place. this line was not replaced. it is very much interesting to understand the decision of why this was not repaired. >>pam: 9000 people visited area hospitals following the refinery fire. most had breathing problems with their eyes, nose, throat. officials said that no
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one's symptoms were serious but there are reports of recent hospitalizations. the chevron care center is still accepting complaints. 7500 have filed in person or on phone and others have decided to go on a different route. they have seek legal advice. from a prominent attorney. dan kerman. >> i need help that is why i came here. >> i have had medical problems. my chest is bothering me and my eyes. that is why i came. >>reporter: instead of filing a claim with chevron these richmond residents have decided to seek the advice of an attorney. >> i did this because i do not know what is going to happen in five years from now. how is
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going to let impact my skin, lungs and destroy my help soil had to do something about it. to let them know the we are serious out here. >>reporter: civil-rights attorneys have opened up shop just 350 ft. away from the claim center. >> we want to make sure that they get everything that they are entitled to. under the law they are entitled under compensation if they have been impacted by what took place at the chevron refinery. >>reporter: attorneys are gathering information and presidents are signing grievances and agreements for this attorney to represent them. it is possible that there could be a class action lawsuit. >> we hope that chevron is a good neighbor to do with. >> the last time this occurred they did release not reach out to the community. >>reporter: the bottom line is
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that many people in richmond to not trust chevron to do the right thing. that is why they maintained as obtained legal counsel. >> sky 4 at the bottom of your screen still spraying water on the crude oil. that caught fire on monday. take a closer look. there is a constant stream with eight days after the fire. you see the main gold damage. look at that steel framing. and some of these cylinders of. to be charged and not being able to be used. these overlooked a bit better. plead is to say still plenty of damage and an active scene. they do not want to see a
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repeat on monday as monday. >> the batch refinery in martinez. this a leak caused a strong odor. kate thompson. >>kate: there have been two incidents is in two days and today and odor coming from the refinery the strong smell of propane county health officials have issued a health warning for about two hours. people with respiratory issues were told to stay inside. however there was not a shelter in place order. they do not know what caused this but it has been completely shut down and no employe ease of being injured >> we work constantly not to be a nuisance to people. we are able to accomplish that most of the time but today we fell short
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of that. >> today was a level no. 2 and also a that was on monday. they've only had just a handful some refinery are taking these problems very seriously. so the refinery are taking these problems very seriously. kate thompson. >>james: let us take a look at the fog, overnight we can expect to see currently 50s. right around 60 degrees in oakland. 57 degrees in san jose. and warm but cooler than it was this afternoon. 70's in concord, live for more. as look to the north, 60s in novado, napa. and we are watching also to the north with those fires still burning. 87
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degrees with humidity a little bit better at 23 percent with a south-west wind at 12 m.p.h. we will keep an eye on that. and a complete look at your local forecast, coming up. >>pam: the man who opened fire at tatexas a and m haute social media is shedding light on who he is. and the pain at the pumps surprising prices and how they have soared. and for drama at the departntmef motor vehicles. \
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>> this 30 minute gunbattle killed three people and injured four people. this amateur video from police officers are ordering suspect this gunman to keep his hand in the air. catherine heenan shows how social media is shedding light. beyond the facebook profile picture our guns and the public is hearing from his mother. >> catherine: just blocks from texas a & m police say a constable want to serve an eviction notice. according to police the opened fire. leading to a stand off. after 30 minutes the gunfire ended. he was dead. also the constable was shot and eight by standard. three other police officers and a by
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standarer .. one is injured. the an emergency warning was sent out. >> we heard sirens and the fire truck. they told us to get inside. >> catherine: the facebook page showed pictures of rifles and is an aspirational people were fire arms designers. the suspected gunman smot his release a stateme saying that thoughts and prayers go to the deceased and the victim's he had been ill. it breaks our heart that his illness led to this. catherine heenan, kron4. >>pam: an army medic saying that he performed cpr on the gunman and the constable. before
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he died the gunman asked for forgiveness. >>james: this is the open view this will keep us on the cool air. from the east and it temperatures will cool down, nicely. along the peninsula and into inland areas. the east are final indy decreasing with 70's in concord, pleasanton. finally- decreasing. not that bad compared to how hot it adopt. generally 60s in the south-bay. we expect these temperatures to get to the 50s, 60s overnight. cooler along the coast. let us
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take a look of how temperatures are going to play out for tomorrow. at 8:00 a.m. widespread 60s around the bay area. with low 70s as we go inland. by noon temperatures will get to the 70's in the 80s for the most of the bay area. with even lower 90s but the good news is that we will stay into the low mid 90's for the warmest part of the day. around 3:00 p.m., the red showing the triple digits indicated by the magenta. today we will have just 90's and tomorrow also will what we saw today. 90's in pleasanton, concord, mid 80s in antioch. with 80s in the north
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bay. >>james: we will watch these northern forecast temperatures with their new world fire efforts. band in the gasoline prices related to the refinery problems. nearly one half dollar more than just one month ago. take a look to these numbers. the current price is nearly 25¢ more. one month ago, 35¢ last
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month. take a look at the prices in san jose. in oakland, 1 gal. was averaging $4.12 per gallon. it has jumped 28¢ from $3.84. and 42 more sense than it was 370 in oakland. announcer: gabe slate's tech report >>gabe: kron4 has a new and improved website. still the best place for your latest bay area news, weather, traffic and now there is more. there have been in new features added. there is a live news now tab. you can stream our 24-7 news channel. found on comcast
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8:21 pm for your smart phones. if you get a chance at check it out. gabe slate, kron 4. >>gary: coming up the 80s could they rebound after a slow start? the giants are working home and the latest on chad ocho cinco and .. later you're on timeout leo!
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some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
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i'd like to thank eating right, whole grain, multigrain cheerios! my bowl, my spoons! mom, are those my jeans? [ female announcer ] people who choose more whole grain tend to weigh less than those who don't. multigrain cheerios has whole grain and 110 delicious calories. ...more grains. less you! multigrain cheerios >>pam: there is a new way to get kron4 news. >>vicki: all our new 24 per hour channel is all about convenience. check in for 5 minutes, 15 minutes, updated news, information and traffic. let me show you. cycling through the cities and its seven
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>> a football star accused of head butting his wife. we have the 911 phone call. and also hold the entire penn state could pay the price for the sandusky sex abuse scandal
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(male announcer) this is the bay area's news station. kron 4 news starts now. ♪ >>pam: there have been 3 brutal attacks in just seven hours a sudden spike in violence. including 2 homicide grant lotus. >>grant: it was in that normally busy day for it and understaffed san jose police department. they were all over the city. a fatality, and a fatal stabbing.
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this happened early yesterday morning on the charles street. a few hours later 5 mi. south and another shooting. west of highway 101. and a few hours after that, a fatal stabbing. >> is really scary. >> this resident is talking about this broad daylight stabbing of the woman. this was the third violent crime in eight hours that have police scrambling. >> we do not see days yesterday that often but they have occurred. when we have three
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major incidences, back to back to back >>reporter: this happened with the fatal shooting at 1:30 just one homicide team was getting set up another man was seriously injured in a drive-by shooting fog of miles away. when the stabbing call came in. that-4 mi. away after the shooting- struck by. >> years ago the funding for this department has been decreased by 100 of the dollars. so we have a lot less officers and it has hurt our capacity. >>reporter: the some units were dispatched and worked over. >> property crimes were a lower priority not that it is less
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important but at that point. >> there's still one victim on life-support. and also this is the 25th and 26th homicide in san jose for this year. >>pam: a day of mourning and remembrance of a richmond teenager that was shot in front of his home. this teenager died august 6th he was a popular young man and luck played football and was not into gang activity. he could have been targeted because he was wearing a red sweater. he was entering his junior year at kennedy. they have made one arrest. >> the funeral for a 16 year-old mother will be on the sunday at 11:00 a.m. in oakland at the fuller funeral home. she was killed near te--talbott
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ave.. and after the department of motor vehicles were off line with a computer problem. some people had difficulty accessing the website but the biggest was at the branch offices. maureen kelly has more. >>reporter: the field office outlined was around the building. this was tuesday morning. this became apparent right before the doors were supposed to open at 8:00 a.m. >> are they open? >> they came out to explain. >> we are not letting any customers in because the computers are down. >>reporter: this note was because the breakdown of communication between the main route for and the computers at the field offices were state- wide. some people could come in
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and take their driving test because that does not require a computer. workers collected forms. and helped of appointments to be made but several people decided to wait it out. >> i have been here since 730. i was anticipating so they get this up and running so i get my date squared away. >>reporter: afternoon, everybody was allowed inside after the computers for up and running. much to the relief of people that spent waiting. >> as stressful as it was i did not think that people were waiting for or five hours. >>reporter: maureen kelly, kron 4. >>pam: the whole of the late steve jobs has been burglarized with $6 thousand dollars. police have arrested one man with residential burglaries stealing
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60,000 items the thousand dollars worth of items. they do not believe that it was targeted. and the house where the family was being renovated. this ceo died last october after battling cancer. >> cable car service was interrupted for about 45 minutes. a moving van was going north and hit low lying trees. the fire department was called out so the track could be cleared. they were back up and running by 1:15 >> the running bychad ocho cinco speaking out against domestic of abuse and now there is a divorce. she is hoping that this
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will help other women break their silence. she ran to a neighbor's home. she says that he head butted her.. >> i have somebody here at my house she was in a domestic dispute with her husband. >> physical or verbal? >> she has a cut on her forehead. let us not a big deal because she is worried that he is going to get mad and she is a warning that heat is a high- profile person. >>pam: this began when a receipt was found for condoms inside of his car. he is awaiting a divorce. >> this is only 41 days of marriage. this was after the recent arrest and release by the miami dolphins. and johnson is
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back on the an f all market. we asked if the raiders or the niners should acquire him as ocho cinco... it they say that he is not that good any way i think he is done...and cosby no to ocho cinco and ... we always encourage you. kron 4 facebook fan page 'like ' us >>james: here is your weather forecast. as the cameras are looking out to the west towards the peninsula. however there is a lot of cloud coverage. going forward, the gradual cooling
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wednesday, thursday, friday. this weekend, mild temperatures with the '70s and '80s for saturday and sunday the 10% chance of showers. we will talk about that more in detail. >>stanley: coming up now here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. fork ♪
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[ female announcer ] you can always measure the growth of your children by the way they clean themselves in the bathroom. try charmin ultra strong. with a new duraclean texture, charmin ultra strong helps you get clean. plus it's four times stronger than the leading value brand. and you can use up to 4 times less. good news for even the biggest kids in the family. we all go. why not enjoy the go with charmin ultra strong?
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>>pam: the and national security investigation is investing its self of racial profiling. some employees of accusing themselves of inappropriate screenings. tsk's is investigating and minorities. this was claimed in the new york times. it opened an internal investigation. officers should only call out a questionable
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behavior. >> the university could lose its accreditation based on how it handled the allegations. it is on a warning status. federal money could be jeopard davi jeopardized. they are going to address the molestation charges. >> and the wind energy is showing that wind energy accounted for 32% of new electric capacity. however a federal tax break is set to expire at the end of this year. without it, wind power is twice as much as natural gas. extending that tax credit is a top priority.
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top priority. [ male announcer ] we got a real mom and the family car to do an experiment. we put a week of her family's smelly stuff all in at once to prove that febreze car vent clips could eliminate the odor. then we brought her family to our test facility to see if it worked. [ woman ] take a deep breath, tell me what you smell. something fresh. a beach. a clean house. my new car. [ woman ] go ahead and take your blindfolds off. oh!! hahahaha!!! look at all this garbage!!! [ male announcer ] febreze car. eliminates odors for continuous freshness, so you can breathe happy.
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you're on timeout leo! some things won't last 25 years. ah! woof. some things will. save up to 20% on an ikea kitchen.
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now here is stanley roberts who found some people behaving badly. >>stanley: pay attention to this woman. she is placing these in her back in she is participating in a nationwide honesty experiment. to see if they did the right thing. the cost is $1. all you have to do what is placed the dollar. she put 8 bottles and there. accept she only put $5 in there. however no pun intended, she was part of the minority. out of 144 only
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seven people cheated. it was set up at how word in fremont. workers watched from a distance. who was honest and who was not. >> these people grabbed 2 and they paid $2. however when there were going to leave they grabbed two more bottles. and proceeded on their way. watch the lady with this child as she grabbed it this lady and a split. what a great example. ..not.. and this guy grabbed a bottle without paying. this man also grabbed a bottle but returned after he returned and maybe his conscience got to have. we were surprised that 94 percent of the
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people that visited the kiosk, paid. i guess you could say that we passed. is this a case of behaving nicely? i wonder how this would have faired if this were to be conducted at civic center? >>james: temperatures and wind were when warm. however we have been dealing with triple digits. 88 degrees in fairfield. toasty and warmer in the self today. you get the idea in the south- bay with warmer conditions inland. this live look to the east showing that marine layer over the da no70's in pleasanto,
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and 81 degrees in antioch. towards noon. with 80s and 90s. by 3:00 p.m. we could see low mid 90's. if south bay 90s and 95 inantioch and 80s along the east bay shore 7 a look at your 7 day around the bay a 10% chance of sprinkles that higher elevations. to not expect too much out of that. announcer: sports
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>>gary: you know that you are inside conference stadium. still, it is photographed beautifully. . cruising along and eric one-nothing = kansas city. look out alex scored. parker and r b i and he came in on the cord and single. for a bronze in five innings. a major slump. cris carter, good night. branded moss, sit down and that is it. five-nothing. oakland lost. they are behind tampa bay. and the wild card and the news is not inspiring. after he came
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over from the detroit tigers. this makes you feel bad. he is undergoing a second surgery. since april 2011, he became a national sensation when he pitched a perfect game on mother's day. however not much luck cents. >> the giants are bouncing back as we speak. baumgartner, washington in the 6th inning. troubles in boston. baseball is a religion there and everybody seems to want miniature ballantine. >> it is not true i am not trying to get fired, it is not true. if >>gary: the latest from the players saying that they leaked out some material that they are texting some of the ownership. they want ballantine, fired.
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many players staying that they know longer respect him. the red sox are just two games under 500. and if the 49ers have but the play of the game on friday night. of course nobody is going to dislodge alex smith. unless he had three bad games in a row. however they think that he is a great, natural talent. however after the 78 yd it looks like something but let us see what jim harba all i would say that collins has emerged. it has been very good. nothing is set in stone in that regard. but it is also played out as we had foreseen. with competition,
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it moves it has fluid, a close up, down, sideways. and it is still playing out. >>gary: back up quarterbacks, back uppryor ...torrel pryor his first game in 23 months however he did get caught selling a memorably on the side. and he had a difficult time finding his way but it looks like he is a third stringer... >> i played bad. that is all i can say. the only thing i did well was watched my teammates' play good. we could have scored. i did not capitalize. i thought that matt played well. and i
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just played like crap, you know. i will bounce back first, stronger. >> gary: raiders on friday night. one of the last opportunities are will thank my producer richard englehart and rich and i grew this afternoon...and what he has done for meat has been to respect. we'll bridwish him the love and respect we are coming back in a few moments. to talk about chad ocho cinco.. ocho and ebb...
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[ female announcer ] now get high speed internet at home on our newly expanded advanced digital network, a connection you can count on. introducing at&t u-verse high speed internet
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>>gary: grant lotus covered this story, extensively. chad ocho cinco their july 4th wedding was filmed want to be somebody
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sell bad. and who knows how they were released? and i do not care you if you have to be somebody? >> i do not think that it is just parental. then another. philosophy see you at 11:00 p.m. >>gary: it is sesaid sad..
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(intro to "someday" by sugar ray playing) ♪ someday ♪ when my life has passed me by ♪ ♪ i'll lay around and wonder why ♪ ♪ you were always there for me hey. hey. you know, i, uh, i got a piece of advice. i'd feel really selfish if i didn't share it. okay. you're supposed to picture 'em naked when you're on the stand.


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